Cue2Live uses Ableton's remote scripts API.

If you haven't already created a 'Remote Scripts' folder in your Ableton User Library, do so now. The default location for this is user/music/Ableton/.

The Cue2Live folder will be placed into this Remote Scripts folder. Create the Remote Scripts folder if it isn't already there.

As for the Cue2Live application itself, this can be simply placed into your applications folder. There is no setup!

Setlist / Set Time:

Generated from cue points in the session. Format: song name_00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss). ie: Glycerine_ 04:26

Automatic stops can be programmed using 'stop' or 'autostop' as the cue name.

Drag & drop enabled for setlist re-arrangement. Play button syncs with global quantization.

Cue2Live logo button (bottom right) collapses & opens Song Pool pane.

BPM is automatically updated when tempo changes during playback.

Song Pool:

Search bar provides quick lookup for audibles.

Cue Mode:

**Jump on Play:** Jumps playhead only upon pressing play.

**Jump on Select:** Jumps playhead when setlist item changes.

Port Management:

Cue2Live connects to Ableton via a local TCP socket protocol, over localhost(IP

If there is a conflict with another device using this local host IP on the default port (6000), you can enter an new one in the top right of Song Pool and click Port to change it. (Re-opening Ableton is not required)

Port States:

Display light reflects state of Cue2Live connecting to Live.

MIDI Assignment:

Midimap popup allows direct assignment of the functions in Ableton, ensuring minimal latency and maximum robustness.

You will of course see the setlist move with these controls, but be aware that they are within Live and don't in any way rely on Cue2Live being open.

MIDImap assignments are saved to Ableton's 'Preferences' storage, and will persist between sessions regardless of which .als is loaded. They will not persist betwen versions of Live however.